Tuesday 22 November 2011

A woman's hardships

Women in war did not only have 'special' jobs, but what happened on the homefront was equal to what happened to women and they were involved in almost every aspect of war. Woman had to evacuate and leave their children behind and accustom to living in another woman’s house according to her life and deal with the problems on the host family. They took on the roles of the men in the household such as gardening as well as doing everything they had previously done before. In some cases the woman had to cope with death (or if lucky, absence) of their loved one and due to sexual moral standards changing many woman fell pregnant to American soldiers. Another problem they had to face was learning to cook nutritious food without the essentials like flour or lard. Even dressing became an issue as they had to mend most of their clothes as they could not afford to buy new ones. Woman had to make blackout curtains which had to be closed up every night and the window panes had to be taped. Woman took their children and slept underground for safety, and they made up the majority of people who slept underground during the war. After an air raid they were the ones who had to clean up the mess and spend sleepless nights with their men because they had to work during the daytime. Among all this they had to volunteer for the Women’s Voluntary Service in which they set up tea canteens in bombed areas, looked after injured and traumatized victims and handled Incident Enquiry posts. A woman’s ‘job’ in war would be considered to some ever more terrifying than fighting for your life due to the trauma and stress that could last a lifetime.

Monday 21 November 2011

Woman on the Homefront video analysis


Friday 18 November 2011

Video Post - Women working on a farm

Scenes of women working on farms would have rarely been seen before WWI.
The Australian Women's Land Army was created in response to labour shortages and 3000 volunteers worked on farms.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

First person post

My husband has gone to war; I do my best to support my family.  I am a mother of two children; I have been lucky to find a job as a clerk at a shoe store for extra cash.

I do my best to support the war efforts, and often join the women to knit various items which are shipped to the soldiers. At the local country women’s association kitchens we bake dozens and dozens of Anzac biscuits, as they provide much nutrition the soldiers need, and last a long time. At the same time, helping with the war effort helps keep us sane; as we work, we talk about our worries, sometimes shedding tears.

I know that my husband is on the so-called “western front”, but I don’t really know many other details, as all letters are monitored and any “classified” information in the letters is censored. I read through the first paragraph in the letter for the tenth time.

“A few days ago, we decided it was a good time to have a sleep as there weren’t any announcements from the Captain, when a shell came right on top of us. I was buried under rubble, but managed to yell for help and was thankfully uninjured. It took a long time for the rubble to be cleared however, and by then my mate Fred had bled to death. I’ve sent a letter with my condolences to his family. War is terrible, I wonder if this one will ever end.”

Image source: http://www.ww1propaganda.com/world-war-1-posters/ww1-red-cross-posters?page=32

Sunday 6 November 2011

Women in wartime

  Australian population 1914-1918: four million
There were 416, 809 Australians enlisted for service in the First World War, representing 38.7% of the total male population aged between 18 to 44.
Since so many men weren’t available, women had to take the burden of caring for families physically and financially. The economy was affected as the government took power during wartime by raising taxes, creating war loans and compulsorily buying goods and contributing all the money and goods towards the war effort. Scarce goods were sold for high prices and people’s standard of living went down.
The government only hired women on the battlefront if they were nurses; although women sought to find professions in more war-related jobs e.g. cooks, stretcher bearers, motor car drivers but were rejected.  
In all, 2139 women served with the Australian Army Nursing Service, and 130 worked
with the Queen Alexandra Imperial Military Nursing Service. A further 423 nurses
served in hospitals in Australia. Twenty-three of these women died in service during
the war.
But what was considered an upside of the war by some women was the large number of jobs left behind by the men. The employment rate of women went up substantially; it raised from 24 per cent of the total population in 1914 to 37 per cent in 1918. However, the unions were reluctant to allow females to work in traditionally male areas as they feared that it would lower wages.

In contrast to Australia, in Britain, women were allowed to take over more men's roles such as civil service to law enforcement and farm labouring. Australia didn't follow until WWII.

Image: Showing a man being rejected for work as the boss is able to pay women less. Source -http://www.warandidentity.com.au/fldocument_themes_indx219.htm
Introduction –

Thursday 3 November 2011

The Great War

There was fear between the european powers – France allied with Britain as its army is large and its navy small whereas Britain’s navy was large and army small. Germany shared a natural alliance with Austria-Hungary as they spoke the same language and shared a similar culture. Countries allied with each other because of various reasons such as these and formed the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente included France, Britain and Russia. The Triple Alliance included Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
There was fear between countries - both France and Britain were suspicious of Germany as Germany was building up a navy. Germany feared the huge British Empire – Germany wished for more lands also as they believed this was a sign of power. Tensions between countries were tight.  
The spark that set off a chain of events leading toward The Great War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand – Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum that Serbia rejected, sparking internal war. However, Russia had long ties with the Serbs and became involved in the war also. Then of course Germany became involved because of their alliance.
The european powers held large empires across the world. The alliances ensured that if one country was ever attacked, then all the other countries in the alliance would also be mobilised and the many countries under the global empires would also be involved, effectively starting the First World War.
Image: http://castinet.castilleja.org/private/faculty/peggy_mckee/20thcenturymaps/20thcmaps.html